Introducing Slenke Polls for Teams
February 22nd, 2018 in Product
Today we are introducing Slenke polls for teams you will now be able to attach a question to a post and see results from team members as they vote.
If you want your team’s opinion on anything from a new slogan for your company, a new logo that you’ve been working, or any other question that you want to get your teams input on, there is no better way place to do it other than Slenke Polls.
There will be two different types of polls, Text Polls and Image Polls. Text polls are there for you to ask a question with multiple text options for your team to select from. Image Poll will let you ask questions with images as options that your team will be able to vote on. This will give you the flexibility to create a poll that is interactive and appropriate for the situation.
Over the next few days, we will be rolling out polls on iOS and Android.